Neck Pain

Yoga For Neck Pain

Neck Pain: Basic steps to follow

In case of combination of health issues , check with your therapist or contact us before you practice on own.

    • Practice warm ups before starting as shown in “Rheumatism” therapy the first five images. Check this Link
    • Practice these below postures shown in sequence.
    • Hold for 10 to 20 counts or 5 breaths.
    • Practice only once a day, the dumbbells.
    • Avoid Door stretch2 initially, if you have too much pain.
    • Practice other stretches three times a day.
    • Before going to bed the practice is important and practice the same basic stretches after hot pack to get better sleep.
    • Place a thin pillow just to cover the neck gap as shown in image.

Yoga for Vertigo: Basic steps to follow

  • In case of combination of health issues,there are many Asanas need to be eliminated, so check with your therapist or contact us before you try on own.
  • Practice only ‘SahajHastaBhujangasana’ and use cushion for neck as shown in image.
  • Rest asanas when you feel better can try slowly, holding for 5 breaths or less.
  • Definitely you feel better if you practice as shown in sequence.
  • PRANAYAMA: Practice pranayama only Anuloma Viloma for better healing and calmer mind to respond better to the pain.