Vyaniti yoga, Muscat along with Oman cancer association and Indian Embassy celebrated its 3rd breast cancer awareness event on 31st October 2020. The event was a 12 hour Sun Salutation Relay Marathon from 6am to 6pm Muscat time. This event’s main purpose is to bring more awareness among all women and girls to take care by these simple steps which are ancient and lead to holistic well being.
This year due to the prevailing pandemic the event went virtual. This virtual event was conducted to highlight the importance of these twelve steps which has immense health benefits and helps in keeping various types of cancer including breast cancer at bay.
Over 850 yoga enthusiasts from all around the globe took part in the event.
This year as it was an online event there was active participation from Indian School Mabella, Muscat, Oman. and other yoga institutes in Oman like Yoga Shaala,IYP,Sanskriti wing and across the world yoga shakti,Maya yoga, Aathma ganalayam and many other individual participation .
It included participants from age groups of 7 to 88. In all 56 teams took part in the event which included all kids teams, all Women’s team, all Men’s team and Senior citizens teams too.
The event started with a brief speech by Mrs Prema Nagesh, Founder, Vyaniti Yoga in which she reiterated the amazing health benefits that can be gained by practicing the 12 steps regularly. She also stressed on the importance of pranayama (breathing exercises) and sun salutations especially during this pandemic period. Vyaniti yoga has been conducting online 108 sun salutation sessions every Thursday for the past seven months. This practice has helped almost all her students to stay safe from the infection in spite of carrying on with their regular routine and even those few who were unfortunately infected were able to recover smoothly without much health hassles.
The Welcome address was given by Mr C S Badrinath, Group CEO Zubair group of companies and Honorary chairman, Vyaniti yoga.
The highlight of the event was the participation of covid survivors, cancer survivors ,special children and super senior citizens of age 88 and 78 years too. Many participants could compete themselves ,by performing more than what they planned.This strengthens their mind and emotions and develops a never give up attitude to face the realities of life too.
Special children Fawaz from Oman and Vitti from Dubai Amazed everyone with their grit and determination by performing 108 number of Sun Salutations respectively.
Three teams had only two participants each who completed the sun salutations relay for 12 hours.
Other notable performances are as follows:
Vaishali ,a housewife who challenged herself and completed more than 11 sets of 108,which is unimaginable for herself she says .She just determined her mind and was in flow with the right breath and had dates and lemon juice to rehydrate in between two 108 sets.
12 year old Mohammed Ali outdid his last year’s performance by doing 1080 sun salutations. Ali shares that his motivation was his brother Fawaz who even after his multiple brain surgeries had a great positive attitude to fight against all odds.
Mr.V. Jayaraman , 88 years old inspired one and all by performing 72 sun salutations
Mrs Saraswathi Jayaraman, aged 77 proved that age was just a number. The ever-humble saree clad senior citizen amazed everyone by performing 324 sun salutations.
Many participants completed six and more rounds of 108 sun salutations.
They are:
Ramana from the kids category completed 864 Sun Salutations
Deepa Kizhekkiveetil from the Adult category completed 864 Muragesh Alabal and Sunil Deshpande completed 648 Sun Salutations.
A total of approximately 73000 sun salutations was completed by all participants together in 12 hours towards the welfare of self and society by setting a positive example .
The last set of sun salutations concluded at 6pm.
This was followed by the closing ceremony. Mrs. Yuther Al Rawahi, Founder and Hon. Life President, Oman Cancer Association, Mr Wahid al Kharusi, President and Chairperson Oman Cancer Association and Mr. P K Prakash, Counsellor (Ambassador’s Office) and Culture from Embassy of Oman graciously agreed to be the special guests for the event.
Participants  who  achieved a special milestone were given special mention.
Overall it was a Saturday well spent for good health and a good cause.
Prema Nagesh is the founder of Vyaniti Yoga which was formerly called YogaTherapy4all.