Namaste all
Vyaniti wishes everyone to stay fit physically, emotionally and spiritually…. .
Let upcoming year be more good health, more power and more patience and more consistency and determination to stay fit and this will be our goal..
Do not miss to join our WhatsApp group mentioned in the registration form to get the ZOOM link to join….
Every Thu..
1.@6:15am India time and 4:45am Muscat time
2.@7:15am India time and 5:45am Muscat time
Every Fri ..
@ 6pm India time and 4:30pm Muscat time
This Practice session will continue till IYD Jun 21st,2022 and another session till Breast cancer awareness month in Oct 2022
Participants will receive certificate if:
1.Not missed any week in practicing Suryanamaskar or have completed maximum number of Suryanamaskar till IYD 2022 AND Oct 2022 for Breast cancer awareness month
2.108 though not compulsory
3.maximum Nos of Suryanamskar completed by child, women and men